Update your VIGOR DAC Profile
Please check your VIGOR DAC Profile to make sure it meets the community requirements.
Read and Sign the Constitution 2.0
Visit: https://dac.vigor.ai/constitution
Click on SIGN
Scatter window will pop up. Press Allow button to confirm the action.
How to Sign Constitution 2.0 with Free Cpu:
Visit : bloks.io
sender: your EOS account name
agreedterms: 09ea07f0052e6f2a47f7ff5c086116c1
Click on Submit Transaction
Scatter window will pop up. Press Allow button to confirm the action.
Fill out your Candidate Profile on dac.vigor.ai
Scroll to EDIT and click
It is suggested you include:
A Profile Photo or Avatar (You can use host images here for free https://imgbb.com/)
Telegram handle. Other socials if desired.
List and/or describe your skills that you bring to the community.
Description of your background
What you plan to contribute to VIGOR DAC
The more info you provide in your profile about how you are contributing to Vigor, The better chance you have of receiving votes. Contribute, get votes, get rewarded.
did you fill out? click on SAVE
Scatter window will pop up. Press Allow button to confirm the action.
Custodians Candidates max requested pay 15000 VIG token
Requested pay: 15000
Click on UPDATE
Scatter window will pop up. Press Allow button to confirm the action.
Please adjust to your contribution efforts.
How Update Requested Pay with FREE CPU:
Visit: bloks.io
cand: your candidate custodian EOS account name
requestedpay: 15000.0000 VIG
Click on Submit Transaction
Scatter window will pop up. Press Allow button to confirm the action.
Please adjust to your contribution efforts.
If you don't have enough resources:
Rent CPU : https://bloks.io/rex?tab=rent
Buy RAM : https://bloks.io/wallet/ram/buy
also please do consider joining our official channels / blogs and Doc. listed below :
VIGOR Social Media :
Vigor Telegram International: https://t.me/vigorprotocol
Vigor Twitter: https://twitter.com/vigorprotocol
Vigor YouTube youtube.com/channel/vigor
Vigor Medium https://medium.com/@vigordac
Vigor Trybe https://trybe.one/user/30633
Vigor Everipedia Vigor Protocol & DAC
Vigor Sense Chat signup.sense.chat/?kid=16X1NM
Vigor TikTok vm.tiktok.com/g3xXcX/
Vigor Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/VigorDAC/
Vigor Instagram https://www.instagram.com/vigorprotocol/
Vigor Discussions App https://discussions.app/tag/vigor
Don’t forget to vote for our reward proxy supportvigor
How to vote for supportvigor Proxy
1. Stake some CPU
2. Visit: https://genpool.io/?ref=supportvigor
3. Scroll to supportvigor proxy and click Vote
How to vote for supportvigor Proxy with Free Cpu
1) Visit: https://bloks.io/vote/proxies?name=supportvigor
2) Attach Scatter Identity; select the identity you want to use to vote.
3) Click on Proxy to supportvigor
4) Scatter window will pop up. Press Allow button to confirm the action.
5) You will receive daily rewards 🎁 on your Eos account.
And please refresh your vote at least monthly as the power does decay over time
Thanks for your time Vigorian 🙏
Click here to see my VIGOR DAC profile: emmailoveyou ← Thank you for your support!
VOTE for the candidates that you feel bring the most value to the DAC.