Newdex and Leafwallet user-friendly
Newdex is an EOSIO based decentralized exchange.A decentralized exchange (DEX) is a cryptocurrency exchange which operates in a decentralized way, i.e., without a central authority. Decentralized exchange allow peer-to-peer trading of cryptocurrencies. Newdex backs code scanning transaction through wallet and transaction with implanting in wallet, supported by blockchain wallets, like EOS Token
Newdex is an EOS based Decentralized Exchange that does not touch or keep users private key. Therefore, you need to have your own EOS account before trading.
LeafWallet is a third party EOS Wallet and can import EOS account through it. Leaf Wallet provides Google chrome plug-in version
Install LeafWallet
As a chrome extension, it requires a chrome browser.
Chrome Store to download or search LeafWallet
You can also install LeafWallet offline:
If successfully installed, a leaf like icon will be available on your chrome browser as shown in the screenshot below.
How to import private keys
Open LeafWallet , create plug in password and click on start using button
Click on import button
Chose Network and import your private keys and click on import button
You have completed LeafWallet setting successfully
Now you can go to Newdex and click on [Sign In] to import the LeafWallet authorization
Click on Sign In to bring up the login option, LeafWallet automatically comes up
Click on login to confirm and if successful, you are ready to start trading
Leawallet is:
Compatible with Scatter
Designed for daily consumers
Clean interface
Is clear and intuitive
Easy importation Private Keys
You can switch multiple accounts
Account resource management
Easy access to EOS DApps
Everything is saved on your own device
LeafWallet contact :